
Less than two weeks to go. [9-11-09]

I am by no means packed yet, but I do have a list!

My "What I Take With Me To Italy" list is something I've developed over the years, constantly adding items I may need, and deleting items I've taken in the past but never came close to needing. Some items are humorous, perhaps, but I know they're needed (more on that later).

I have talked to AT&T today and confirmed that my iPhone's international roaming feature is "turned on." I also purchased a digital package to handle iPhone communications over the Internet while I'm there. I'd like to get a laptop "card" for G3 linking my laptop to the Internet anywhere cell phones have coverage, but the monthly charge, and the 12-month minimum makes that convenience an unneeded luxury. I'll make to with hot spots.

I have a long list of actions to accomplish between now and my departure on the 24th. Some things can be done early (e.g., getting a Tripple A International Drivers License), other things only a couple of days before (like notifying credit card companies and home security monitors of my travel dates), and some are doable only on the actual day of departure (e.g., forwarding home phone to office so I can pick up voicemail via my work Blackberry, preparing the house for "shutdown," etc.).